We invest in and manage transformational industries and products until successful market entry


We consult and advise private and public entities on large positive impact projects


ASCENDANCY is based in Lucerne, Switzerland.


We are at market introduction stage for sale of individualised home prefabrication factories by World of SMART HOMES™️


Here you can get PDFs with a technical summary or brief pitch presentation


Aegina-Pure water sterilisation through UV-C LED lamps project successfully launched in 2022. For purchase interest, send us an email

We are supporting the realisation of Gravity Storage: a new solution for large-scale renewable energy storage


In 2020-2021, we started developing Covid-19 rapid self test kits for everyone, everywhere, with the startup support of Swiss Venturelabs.


ASCENDANCY Transformational Services GmbH is focused on consultancy and investment, based on references and selective opportunities.
ASCENDANCY actively targets the following four fields, provided they match the strategic goals and values.
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ASENDANCY is incorporated as a professional partnership with flexible and distributed leadership to empower every member, to enable them to deploy to their fullest potential and take advantage of existing synergies.
Services will be regularly reviewed and suitably adapted for the firm to stay nimble and on the lookout for the most efficient match between clients’ needs, market developments and core competencies.
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